We all have them. They are foods that trigger our appetites and overcome our will power.  They may be fine in moderation — but we aren’t moderate when our taste buds come in contact with our particular nemesis.

For me, bread will do it.  One slice of whole grain bread is absolutely fine — but not for me.  Because I won’t stop at one slice.  It triggers an overeating reaction that will do me in every time.

So how do you deal with trigger foods?  By keeping your finger off the trigger. If you can’t stop eating a certain food once you start — don’t start.  For you, that perfectly “okay food” must be banned until you have your weight and your habits under control.

Be aware of  what makes you stumble, and you will be much more likely to be able to run with your low glycemic-healthy eating plan.   I’ll start on Monday listing some surprising foods that have a low insulin response.  I wanted to warn you first, though, that some of these may be trigger foods — so be careful!

Tomorrow is recipe day, so I’m trying out a new dish today.  One advantage of  being an incompetent cook — my readers will know my recipes are idiot-proof!

Eating to live and living for Christ,
Susan Jordan Brown



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