Experiments have found that ordinary people tell about two lies every ten minutes. I don’t see how that’s possible, as I’ve been alone the last hour writing this piece (oh dear, am I making it up as I go along?). However, the half-hour before that, I averaged about fifteen per minute. “What are you eating,…

Celebrations of all kinds–but preferably without druggie gunmen and nasty brides breaking up over chocolate tortes–have been known to fire up neurotransmitters in the brain and protect brain cells in the prefrontal cortex from shrinkage and death. When people sing, dance, and eat with their friends, they are generally happier than when they are at…

Granted, most marriages don’t start out (or if they do, they don’t stay for long) in that Disney-type “the universe has aligned now that we’ve met and as long as we’re together there is only sunshine ahead” mentality. Which is why I love to read how Anne Morrow Lindbergh described love relationships in her classic,…

If preschool Valentines are any measure of a mother’s performance (which they are around here), then I’m in much better shape this year than I was the morning of my first Cupid competition. Three years ago, I was a sleep-deprived, hormonally whacked-out mom (like I am today) who had enrolled two-year-old David in a co-op…

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