Valerie Reiss asks some great questions about friendship in a post on Fresh Living. She writes: There’s something about betrayal or abandonment in friendship that often feels harsher than that of a lover. Partly because (and pardon if I sound a wee bitter) we almost expect romantic partners to hurt us or be transient; friends…

When Group Beyond Blue Co-moderator Melzoom forwarded me her most recent journal entry, I was blown away. Not just at how she can articulate her feelings, but at how she can feel them. I mean, really feel them. I have always admired that about her. She’s not too busy to experience life in its fullest…

I can’t get off this friendship topic. My FRIEND James over at Finding Optimism (by the way, we just clarified our status … as fellow bloggers that are friends, meaning he and Anna get a Christmas card and Eric and I get, well, nothing yet) just sent me this great link from the BBC News…

I was moved by fellow bloggers John McManamy’s tribue to his friend, Kevin, who commit suicide just six months ago. John has channelled his grief by producing an important suicide prevention video “The Road to Nowhere.” I urge you to visit his post by clicking here. I’ve excerpted a few paragraphs below. [Kevin] had his…

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