You might want to sit down for these unpleasant statistics. According to an investigation by the “Hartford Courant“: In 2005, 22 soldiers killed themselves, accounting for nearly one in five of all Army non-combat deaths. (25 in 2003.) A number of them issued warnings to friends, family and the military itself. Some had been diagnosed…

If you think Britney Spears is the only one breaking down in front of the camera, read this article in Psychology Today in which Art Buchwald writes candidly about his depression and introduces a few others–like Greg Louganis, Ted Turner, Marilyn Monroe, Sigmund Freud–who have suffered both in private and public. And click here to…

Thank God I’m self-employed, because I just read an article by Michele Himmelberg that says it’s uncool to cry at work. During the year of my depression, that would have been like saying I wasn’t allowed to pee at work. No, it would actually be worse. I cried every hour. I peed every other hour.…

Awhile back, we discussed whether or not a person should disclose depression or another mood disorder to a prospective employer. Amy Joyce wrote an excellent article on this topic in the Washington Post. She discusses several things to consider before spilling the beans about a mental illness. Her research and compassionate synthesis of this dilemma…

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