As I said in Holly’s interview, she runs two groups in Beliefnet’s social networking community. Here is a summary of each! Foods to Feed the Soul We all have our “comfort foods,” from mashed potatoes to roast chicken to steaming soup. But in this group, let’s share the foods that really nourish our spirits. Does…

My mouth/stomach and brain are in constant negotiation talks with each other because while one loves white bread, pasta, and chocolate, the other has a hissy fit whenever they enter my blood stream. My diet has always been an important part of my recovery from depression, but two years ago, in working with a naturopath,…

My blogging buddy James Bishop over at Finding Optimism wrote a superb post on food allergies, and how they contribute to mood. My sister is finding the same with her special needs boy, and continues to hound me about possible intolerances in my diet, as well, like food coloring and preservatives. Here are the first…

“A family that vomits together stays together.” That’s a modification from Father Peyton’s famous line–“A family that prays together stays together”–and sums up our Thanksgiving two years ago, when the whole family (parents and both little virus transporters) caught a nasty flu within ten minutes of each other. My sister’s bathroom had never been so…

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