Speaking of advice for graduates, here are a few passages from recent commencement addresses that I found especially meaningful. From them I gleaned many insights on how to live more gracefully with depression and anxiety. Toni Morrison at Wellesley College, 2004: You are your own stories and therefore free to imagine and experience what it…

Here’s an excellent article written by Douglas Todd for Religion News Service about Archbishop Roussin’s depression and how he is fighting for better understanding of mental illness within religious communities. Once again, Roussin is my hero! Archbishop Raymond Roussin remembers the shame he felt when he first admitted to himself and others he was clinically…

I mentioned in my “Celebrity Depression, Spiritual Lessons” gallery how Brooke Shields’ memoir, “Down Came the Rain,” gave me permission to cry all I wanted, especially in the months after I started breastfeeding Katherine, when I started to sink into a very severe depression. This prologue is a beautiful explanation of how life unfolds often…

My heart goes out to reader Nancy, who posted the following message on my “Depression Is Conquerable” post: “I read with interest your posts about depression. I have been a long-time sufferer–since I was a child–of major depression as well as post traumatic stress disorder. I have taken countless medications, undergone cognitive behavioral therapy treatment…

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