prayers for job and money.jpegI usually don’t ask God outright for the goodies. I mean, clearly he knows my intentions. But I’ve always thought the best prayer was simply to ask for the strength to do whatever is God’s will, as long as his will doesn’t include too much pain or inconvenience. 

However, I ran across this piece today on Beliefnet called “Ask for Financial Help and Stability: Prayers for Jobs and Money,” by Beliefnet’s Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway and Rev. Victor Fuhrman, and I thought to myself, “Hey, it can hurt. Right?” I’ve spent the entire summer looking for a job, sending my resume to close to 100 people. 
The following prayers aren’t “Gimme gimme gimme.” On the contrary, they help us to rise above the financial fear and insecurity to be able to rest more comfortably in God’s care. 
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I’ve excerpted a few prayers below. 
Prayer For Rising Above Fear 
Dear Lord, please ease our hearts in this world of uncertainty,
?As we balance that which we desire with our true need,?
As we look for higher values in the midst of material loss,?
As we remember the wealth and abundance born of your creation,?
And know that as you move us from fear to love,?
We will be enriched with the treasures of spirit and peace. 
– Rev. Victor Fuhrman 
Prayer for Employment 
Heavenly father, please sustain my spirit as I search for new and meaningful work. You have blessed me with a healthy body and a keen mind for which I am grateful. I ask that you open my path as I seek employment that will allow me to support my family and myself while serving others and your divine purpose.
In gratitude and grace, Amen. 
– Rev. Victor Fuhrman 

Prayer for Strength and Faith 
Dear Lord, In these troubling times,
?I am filled with unspeakable fears.
?I reach my hand out to you now.
?I ask you to walk beside me.?
Please help me hold on strong,?
During these storms.?
And help me hold my hopes high,
?Even in the darkest hour. 
– Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway 
Blessing For God’s Grace 
The Children of Israel hungered in the desert and God gave them Manna.?
When the Temple was restored in Jerusalem,
?there was only enough lamp oil for one day, but God extended it to eight days.?
Jesus fed the multitudes with five loaves and two fish.?
With God’s grace, our “cups runneth over” and we “shall not want.” 
God provides. Amen. 
– Rev. Victor Fuhrman 
Prayer for Prosperity 
Dear God, source of Love and Life who brings abundance to all,?
Please bring prosperity to me and my family now.?
We ask that these basic needs be filled:?
Money to pay our bills,?
Income to meet our mortgage (rent),?
Enough to feed us healthy food,?
And more than enough for health care and wellness.?
Beyond the material needs, 
please uplift our souls.?Inspire our creativity and resourcefulness.?
Guide us in improving our lives.?
Please help us to hold on to faith And let us find peace. 
– Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway 
Prayer For Financial Healing 
From the deep reaches of my heart and soul,?
To the highest love in heaven,
?I pray for a healing of my financial situation.  
I reach a hand to the abundance of the universe,
?And pray that I learn to transform my fear into possibility.
?Let me open to all the good that exists in this world. 
I lift my head up to the sun?
And pray that I am inspired to turn darkness into light.?
Let me raise myself up beyond my problems. 
I look toward the future and what-could-be?
And pray that I can believe in myself and my abilities.?
Let me know in my heart that I have great strength. 
I honor the place of fear that has gripped me,?
But I pray that I do not let it own me.
?Let me do what I can to bring peace to my financial situation,
?And trust that this too will pass. 
– Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway 
Parents’ Prayer of Protection 
Dear God, Please bless my children. 
For this I pray:?
May they thrive in any economy.?
May they be safe and protected.?
May they be healthy and happy.?
May they be uplifted by love.?
May they be strengthened by opportunity.
?May their days be filled with fun and play.?
May all their needs be met–always.?
May there be food, clothing, shelter, and comfort.?
And may their souls be nurtured no matter the state of our world.?
Please bless my children in all ways. 
– Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway 
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