Um. My answer would be no. But there are a lot of people who have much more to say on that matter in a discussion on a Beliefnet forum. You can get there by clicking here. 

Beliefnet member Irene says this:

Doesn’t this whole idea of “snooping on spouse” set up a false dichotomy here that may be the whole problem? This assumes the partner in the relationship must have an interest, at some point, in pursuing “extramarital” activity. The only issue here is if they are doing so currently. And why should new technologies (Internet) allow excuse for ugly behavior?

So snooping “because you have a hunch something is going on,” or, snooping “to provide the means to assure nothing adverse is going on,” only means the relationship is missing a firm foundation of trust. It also lacks true intimacy. Gee, maybe that’s where the energies should be focused-independent of whether there’s a suspicious phone number on the cell phone, or the old boyfriend shows up on Facebook.

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