I was just talking about this very topic to a friend: the counseling version of “Truth or Dare.” He said to me, “Sometimes I’m not always that straight forward with my therapist … Some days I just don’t have it in me to be completely, totally honest.” I knew exactly what he meant. Even after…

I enjoyed this post from fellow Beliefnet blogger Hillary Fields about whether or not to impose when someone has, well, peculiar behaviors. In her post, “Good Neighbors: Respect Privacy, or Leap In to Lend a Hand,” Hillary writes: My neighbor has OCD–a fact I just recently learned. For the longest time I believed she simply…

I am a bit surprised by the response on my post, “Do You Believe In Angels?” at the Huffington Post. I went back and forth on whether or not to post such a religious topic on a secular site, but I’m glad I did because the post has generated close to 400 comments. Here’s my piece…

Awhile back, I included a Beliefnet interview with Joan Wester Anderson as a second post after my video on guardian angels. On the message board of that interview, Beyond Blue reader Barbara shared this story: I don’t know why things happen as they do, but I do know when I am in control and when…

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