I couldn’t resist linking to this post by fellow blogger Kari Henley. You can read her post by clicking here. I’ve excerpted a few paragraphs:

Psychologists Wendi Gardner and Marilynn Brewer studied the ways people describe themselves and believe when you answer the question, “Who Am I?” The answer usually relates to the groups in our lives. (ie: I am a mother, a writer, etc.). They created three categories of Self: your physical, social, and collective Selves. Here’s a few tips on how to find balance across the physical and cyber world: 

1) Ground your ‘Physical Self’– stay grounded in what makes you unique in this world and tend to your inner life each day with the essentials of air, earth, fire and water. Find activities that put you in a “flow state.”

2) Nurture you Social or Relational Self
– Be mindful of the relationships you have through work, spouse, friends, neighbors and offer gratitude when you can. Knock on a door out of the blue and surprise someone!

3) Develop our “Collective Self”
– this is the part of you that expands to others via social networking sites, larger societies or associations and other broader social identities that are less a part of your day-to-day experience, yet can expand who you are.

Maybe someday this will all blow over when we learn how to become telepathic. Then we can ditch all these terminals, beeping phones and complex devices and just return to the Oneness. We will simply know and trust that we are not alone and won’t have to prove it over and over again.

To continue reading, click here.

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