I love to report success stories, because we need to hear them. We always need a piece of hope, and Beyond Blue reader Camille gave me one when she wrote this on the combox of my post “The Bipolar Singing Blogger Smackdown, Part 2,“:

I recently was sprung from rehab and finally after 3 diagnosis of bipolar have conceded to the idea and am taking Seroquel. What a difference!! I can sleep, think, focus, and have steady energy throughout the day. I haven’t felt this even-keeled in years!! Got my writing flow back during rehab and was given the task of writing and singing the 12 days of rehab at the annual Christmas party. It came out pretty good. My voice sucks so I sang Adam Sandler style….I was acutlly proud of myself for the first time in a long time. I feel like I have things to look forward to now….life is good.

I thought to myself, “Self, you should give your readers the assignment of writing lyrics called the ’12 Days of Rehab, or Recovery, or Whatever …,’ a kind of summary of the things that help you. And then sing it! And if you want, record it! So that you can become a singing idiot like me! (And John McManamy too.) Here’s your cheat sheet. A review of my “12 Bipolar Days of Christmas.” I actually use all the things listed. (And I haven’t been back to a psych ward in three years!!!)

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