Hail to my blogging buddy, Katherine Stone, who was just named WebMD 2008 Health Hero! Congrats Katherine!!

Here’s what the say about her (you can read about all the recipients by clicking here):

Mother Taps Into Her Own Experience to Launch Successful Postpartum Blog 

Katherine Stone of Fayetteville, Georgia, launched a blog called Postpartum Progress to help other women who are looking for comfort and answers about a range of postpartum-related conditions. Stone started the website in 2004 after she developed a postpartum-related mental illness. Stone’s blog includes the latest research on postpartum depression as well as information on support groups and treatment programs. In four years, Postpartum Progress became a popular blog on perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.

Of course, I already knew she rocked before her award: she’s one of the 10 top mental health blogs I compiled for Blogs.Com. You can check out the others by clicking here.

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