Ah yes, boundaries. How is it that mine are knocked down as often as the towers of blocks David and Katherine build? I am getting better at boundaries. Therein lies my hope. And I’m sure constructing them will eventually get easier. But right now I have to erect some tall ones regarding my time online, my involvement with Group Beyond Blue in Beliefnet’s Community, and my e-mailing capacity to Beyond Blue readers. I am so grateful that Beyond Blue has grown into a supportive and vibrant community; however, it’s unrealistic for me to expect that I return each e-mail as the community grows. I’m now spending much more time in front of a computer than with my family. And as much as I care for every member of Beyond Blue, I have to put my time with my family and my own needs first. So, I’ve decided to allot a half-hour to e-mailing readers a day. That’s three and a half hours a week. Versus over ten hours a week that I have been doing. So, in the minus seven hours, some of you may not hear back from me. And I do apologize for that. But I figure you’d want me healthy and writing my blog than on my bed with heart palpitations from anxiety. I also need to invest some time into the friendships that I have let slide because of my involvement online—like the college buddies who really want me to go to our reunion this summer, something I was afraid I was too busy to do.And as I feel around for what feels right with me, please take comfort in knowing that boundaries are an evolving thing, and that if you are bad with yours, well, you have some company!

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