I didn’t know how last night was going to go, because I’ve never done anything like that before. But I have to say that when 8:00 came around, I felt better, like I had been to a support group.
So here’s what we did.
Everyone who logged on became a number. Wisdum was person 1, so when another person logged in (Sharon), she became person 2. So Wisdum will visit Sharon’s homepage on the Beliefnet Community site, maybe correspond with her a few times to get to know her, and write a letter of affirmation that he will send her via private e-mail. Next week we might share some of the letters, or maybe here on Beyond Blue.

Our list is below, but we can always add people if there are any of you that want to be in on it but couldn’t participate last night.
Wisdum (person 1) writes to Sharon
Sharon (person 2) writes to Larry
Larry (person 3) writes to Joni
Joni (person 4) writes to songbird.
Songbird (person 5) writes to Joyce
Joyce (person 6) writes to Jackie
Jackie (person 7) writes to Beth
Beth (person 8) writes to Therese
Therese (person 9) writes to Marilyn
Marilyn (person 10) writes to Cheryl
Cheryl (person 11) writes to Wisdum.
Suzanne (person 12) writes to MerryMe
MerryMe (person 13) writes to Stardustian
Stardustiam (person 14) writes to Cherokee/Irish
Cherokee/Irish (person 15) writes to Suzanne.
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