Just yesterday I was talking to my fellow Beliefnet blogger David Kuo about the similarities between brain tumors and depression. I don’t have to worry about my growth turning malignant as much as he does, but we both agreed that having a lump in your head forces you to live in the moment, and appreciate…

Reader Larry Parker is always posting interesting comments. I was intrigued by the distinction he makes (with Patton Dodd) between optimism and hope, and the comparison he makes between depression and cancer. He shares on the message board of “Relapse: The Waiting Place” a letter he composed to my blogger buddy, James Bishop of “Finding…

In his comment, Larry highlighted some points made by Patton Dodd, who wrote Beliefnet’s “Optimism Is Depression,” (click here) about the distinction between optimism and hope. The article begins . . . Long before “The Secret” had readers talking about how we attract good or bad things to ourselves according to how we think, I…

Even as I’m not very good at it, I know that gratitude is important and can help a person beat depression. Based on her research findings, University of California psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky believes that keeping a gratitude journal–taking the time to consciously count your blessings–is one of the most effective happiness boosters. According to psychologist…

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