I don’t think workout queen Kathy Smith would have stuffed herself like I did at my sister’s farm all week. Her exercise regime is a tad different from mine, but we’re alike in this regard: exercise saved our lives!
Here is an interview with her by my lovely editor, Holly Lebowitz Rossi, who is presently vacationing (and no doubt having better success at disconnecting than I did).

Click here to read the entire interview.

It begins ….

In the 1980s, Kathy Smith rose to fame as a workout queen, producing aerobics videos and motivating millions with her fitness classes and techniques. Today, Smith continues to inspire and energize those who want to lose weight and feel fit and healthy. In an illuminating interview, Smith tells Beliefnet’s Health editor about how she got healthy in the wake of tragedy, how to start a fitness program, and why a “prayer walk” is sometimes the best exercise you can do.

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