As I read the story “I Dreamed I Was a Ballerina” by Anna Pavlova to Katherine last night, I couldn’t help but think about my dream of becoming an inspirational writer–how that dream energizes me in the face of depression, and about my (sometimes feeble) attempts at using my weaknesses (a very short attention span…

I mentioned in my “Depression–The Full Monty” post that one way of triumphing over despair is by an act of kenosis, or self-emptying. As Soren Kierkegaard would say, of becoming “transparent under God.” This is what Walker Percy means when he refers to writers like himself as ex-suicides. In a fascinating article entitled “Walker Percy…

I usually read other writers’ biographies in the same way that I ride a roller coaster–with my hands over my eyes, but peeking every now and then–because I sort of want to know what’s coming next, and I sort of don’t. I get intimidated and jealous very easily, and during some of those insecure hours…

Here is the text of “Desiderata,” the timeless classic (found in Old St. Paul’s Church in Baltimore, which was founded in 1692, and thought to have been written in 1927 by Max Ehrmann) that hung in the laundry room of my childhood house, and sort of got imprinted on my soul. Back when I had…

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