America’s fiscal crisis and debt ceiling debate has prompted a lot of soul-searching, both literally and figuratively. (An interfaith gathering even attempted to pray away the problem… let’s see if it works better than praying away the gay!) As with the controversies over immigration reform and health care reform and other economic and social justice issues,…

A new poll finds that most Americans want presidential candidates to have strong religious beliefs — even if those beliefs are different from their own. As Gary Scott Smith, a history professor at Grove City College and author of “Faith and the Presidency: From George Washington to George W. Bush” told me: That’s a longstanding trend in American culture.…

Stephen Colbert had some fun words for Texas Gov. Rick Perry — is it just the twangy God talk, or is he physically morphing into his predecessor George W. Bush, too? — on his Comedy Central show a few days ago, regarding his controversial upcoming prayer rally and possible presidential bid: The Colbert Report Mon –…

You know it’s an election cycle when there’s even more gay-related religion news than usual, beyond the usual headlines about marriage, parenting, ordination, DADT in the military, etc. On that topic, two stories in particular are rocking Christian America’s “is gay OK?” fault line: Amid Bachmann controversy, many Christians are cool to conversion therapy for…

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