It’s more about St. Valentine than St. Patrick in Israel this week, as some couples finally got the right to get married there even if they don’t meet the country’s strict standards for a religious ceremony. In the past, Jews who wanted to wed non-Jews or otherwise did not qualify for or want a traditional ceremony had to…

Guess I spoke too soon about today being a happier news day for Irish Catholics. Then again, St. Patrick was celebrated for driving the snakes out of Ireland, so perhaps it’s fitting to report on the church’s need to do likewise with the snakes in its own midst today. (Too much of a stretch?) Cardinal Sean Brady, the head…

Catholics have gotten plenty of tough press lately, between coverage of their disagrements over health care reform, same-sex marriage and family issues in Washington, D.C. and Boulder, Colo., and the investigations of the clergy sex abuse scandals embroiling Europe and battering Pope Benedict. At least on St. Patrick’s Day, the cathedral Masses and high-spirited masses — along with some much-needed…

The Town Council in in Gilbert, Ariz., a Phoenix suburb of about 217,000 residents (and currently one of the fastest growing municipalities in America) is moving quickly to change a zoning code that technically prohibits Bible study groups and other “religious-assembly uses” in single-family homes. Gilbert officials have received hundreds of critical emails in the past few…

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