Bishop V. Gene Robinson, who recently made headlines for adding his voice to the “It Gets Better” project aimed at preventing gay teen suicides, has announced that he will retire in 2013.

Robinson will only be 65 when he steps down — young for a bishop — just shy of a decade since New Hampshire Episcopalians rocked the global Anglican communion by electing the openly gay bishop. (Despite warnings to cease and desist, Episcopalians went on to pick a lesbian bishop last year: the Rev. Mary Douglas Glasspool of Los Angeles.) But, he says that the last seven years of controversy have taken a toll, including death threats. New York Times religion reporter Laurie Goodstein reports that he will likely remain a public figure, however, continuing to preach a faith-based message of gay tolerance and acceptance.

The Bible Belt Blogger, Episcopal Cafe, the Associated Press, and USA Today have more on this story.

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