This week’s episode of Glee focused on religion, with lunkhead leading man Finn Hudson’s creation of a “Grilled Cheesus” (burned toast resembling Jesus) prompting him to coax New Directions to sing about faith. The glee club’s musical numbers included covers of “Only the Good Die Young,” “Losing My Religion,” “Papa, Can You Hear Me?” “One of…

The new (now with more Jews!) Supreme Court has heard from Pastor Fred Phelps today, defending his Westboro Baptist Church’s right to picket military funerals with signs that say things like “God Hates Fags” and “Thank God for Dead Gay Soldiers.” (The deceased soldiers weren’t gay, that we know of — though that would certainly lend another tragic…

According to a Public Religion Research Institute study released today, Tea Party supporters tend to be members of the religious right — though not all members of the religious right are Tea Party supporters. (Get it?) From the researchers: Much of the media coverage has followed the Tea Party movement’s own narrative, which describes it as a…

In my Fox News debate a few months back with Pamela Geller, the anti-Muslim activist who funded those awful bus ads against Park51 (formerly known as Cordoba House, smeared as the “Ground Zero Mosque”), I called the situation “false advertising.” One of the points I wish I had made in our brief exchange is that Geller had…

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