Dr. A.R. Bernard said it best, “Our words create our world”.  Our words are very powerful.  It is through words that bonds are made. It is through words that hearts have been broken. Words are energy.  Often we don’t realize that we have words that we communicate to ourselves unknowingly.  This is known as our self talk.  We have ongoing conversations with ourselves about everything.  The question is what does that conversation consist of? If you are honest enough to admit it, our self talk isn’t that great.

How do we remedy this? We create a new self talk. Here are some tips as to how to create a new self talk.


1. Speak words of affirmation to yourself every morning. There’s an article I wrote called 7 Sayings To Command Your Morning. (see beliefnet.com) This is a great way to get your morning started as well as get your healthy self talk in progress.

2. Read and mediate on scriptures and words that uplift you. There are so many wonderful words written in God’s word that speaks to how He feels about us.  It’s important that we know these scriptures like rote.

3. Whenever a negative conversation arises, speak to it. Literally say I’m not having this conversation today.

4. Create a playlist of songs and scriptures that speak not only to your spirit, but your soul.  Self talk is rooted in soul care.

5. Accountability– It’s important to surround ourselves with people who not only see the greatness in us, but also won’t allow us to fall into the trap of being negative. That’s very important.

Remember we have the ability to not only change our world, but the world as a whole….BE GREAT!!

Until Next Time,


Pervis Taylor, III is an Author, Life Coach, Speaker and Contributor. His books Pervis Principles Volume 1 and 2 are available exclusively on his website: www.pervistaylor.com/author. He is the creator of the inspiration/life coaching mobile app, I-Inspire, available for IPhones, Ipad and Ipod Touch via: www.pervistaylor.com/i-inspire/. He resides in New York City. Follow him on Twitter @pervistaylor or Facebook www.facebook.com/pervistaylor3.

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