Because This Is Your Life

There are two words that shape your view of others and the world 24 hours a day, 7 days per week Each of these words have five letters and are complete opposites of each other. When you’re reminded in some way of the first word, it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. And almost…

One of the amazing things about being a person living on this planet are the interactions you have with other people on a daily basis. While sometimes these interactions go exactly the way you want, other times they don’t go exactly the you we want. So whether you’re interacting with other family members, friends, co…

When you first look at him his long blonde hair stands out…especially to women. When you see what he does for a living…you’ll say he fits the part very well. When you hear about his reputation over the last 31 years…you get mixed reviews. If you ever got the chance to meet him you’d be…

There’s something bizarre about a well know “F” word. And it has to do with the fact that it goes both ways as it relates to you and your life. It’s funny because this word is at the core of one of the top questions people ask throughout the world in regards to why they’re…

There’s one word that we as humans both embrace and run away from like the plague… Change. Along with this we have thoughts of how we want our lives to be. Of course this is different for each person and will depend on the things most important to us. What is the same, however, is…

Here’s something that shouldn’t come as a surprise to you… And that is the daily stress that occurs in your life. Whether it’s going to your job you don’t like, your current financial situation which has you in survival mode, people you come across who push your buttons, or as some would say the “daily…

It’s one of the most frustrating feelings you can ever have… You’ve done everything in your power to do the right things. You listened to what other people said you were supposed to do. You even did what other very successful people claimed to have done… But for some reason what you set out to…

It kept happening over and over again and at first it made no sense at all. But once the harsh reality started to set in, the question of “why” kept coming up. Perhaps you’ve had the same thing happen to you. Each and every day you see other people succeeding…increasing their wealth year after year,…

You see it with friends. You see it with family. It’s also there with your co workers. You most certainly see it with personal development and self help “gurus.” It’s on TV… In your neighborhood… Plus… You see it all the time in the people you admire. And strange as it seems… You have it…

As difficult and challenging as things may appear to be sometimes, it is in most cases something which seems very simple and not obvious which makes all the difference. This is also true as it relates to your life and how it plays out. The difference between “success” and “failure”, moving forward and moving backwards,…

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