At the Intersection of Faith and Culture

The next presidential race will occur in a political context very different from that in which the last transpired.  Although it has only been slightly over two years since Barack Obama was elected president, matters have changed quite dramatically since that time.  Those of us to the right of center appear to have enjoyed a…

In spite of what the title of this article suggests, the characteristically Libertarian position—what is typically regarded as “the Harm Principle”—that all adult human beings have the right to do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t involve them visiting harm upon others is not one that I endorse.  The assumption that from the…

The Republican conceives of his party as the party of conservatism, the Constitution, and “limited government.”  For this reason, he loathes the so-called “RINO” (Republican In Name Only), the faux conservative who comes like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  At the same time, however, on those all too rare occasions when a genuine conservative, Constitutionalist…

Thus far, the field of GOP presidential contenders, actual and potential, isn’t looking too terribly promising.  This, though, isn’t meant to suggest that any of the candidates, all things being equal, lack what it takes to insure that Barack Obama never sees the light of a second term; nor is it the case that I find…

Every presidential election season, those of us who find ourselves less than enthused regarding the GOP’s potential nominees—conservatives—are invariably castigated by politicians and pundits alike as “purists.”  We are unrealistic, we are told by the self-styled champions of “conservative values”—the Anti-Purists—in expecting an “ideal candidate.”  We are reminded furthermore that should we decide to sit…

From the time Barack Obama received the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, his detractors to his right have repeatedly lambasted him for his disdain for the Constitution.  From FOX News personalities to talk radio hosts, many are the self-professed champions of the Constitution who spare no occasion to warn the rest of us of the “radical”…

If ever we needed proof that politics is a land of make believe, the recent killing of Osama bin Laden is it. The world is certainly a better place without this terrorist in it.  But to judge from the orgasmic eruptions of everyone from journalists and pundits to politicians and students, an impartial spectator could…

Some readers of this column will no doubt remember the popular 80’s television series Dallas.  Although the show ran for 14 seasons, due to what may have amounted to one of the biggest blunders in television history—the exiting of a pivotal character—one of these seasons was written off as a dream!  To the dismay of…

Among pundits on the right, there has been disagreement for quite some time over the fundamental motives informing President Obama’s agenda.  Essentially two schools of thought on the matter have emerged. One school insists that while the president’s policy prescriptions are indeed ultimately destructive, he nevertheless genuinely believes that their implementation is what’s best for…

A few weeks ago, President Obama informed us that Osama bin Laden, the internationally recognized founder of Al Qaeda who will be forever associated in our collective consciousness with the terrorist attacks of 9/11, had been killed in a clash with American troops.  The news was greeted by a chorus of cheers and tears from…

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