At the Intersection of Faith and Culture

Admittedly, I thought that Mitt Romney’s chances of defeating Barack Obama were greater than not, a point for which I argued on more than one occasion during the election season.  However, I also contended that Romney’s chances would be considerably weakened if he and the Republicans insisted upon limiting their campaign’s focus to the economy—i.e.…

Since Election Day (and well before it, truth be told), Republican commentators have declared the need to intensify their “outreach” efforts to racial minorities. Thus, from Charles Krauthammer to Sean Hannity, amnesty for the 10 to 12 million or so Hispanic immigrants who live illegally within the United States is now the cause de jure…

To the chagrin of 57 million Americans, including yours truly, Barack Hussein Obama remains the 44th president of the United States.  Legions of commentators from across the political divide have been busy supplying us with seemingly endless advice for the GOP. Remarkably (or perhaps not so remarkably), there has emerged something of a bipartisan consensus…

To no slight extent, this presidential race is about race.  We all know this—however reluctant we may be to admit it.  Those who would deny this fact do so only by giving it a different name. One of the contestants has been universally hailed as “America’s first black president.” This alone is enough to establish…

Election Day is just a few days off.  I offer four thoughts on Hurricane Sandy, the economy, and the September 11 attack on our embassy inLibya. The first is for Republicans, the last three for voters generally. (1). The fears of conservatives and Republicans to the contrary aside, the positive coverage that President Obama has…

“Frankenstorm,” the worst storm in American history, is currently beating down upon my home state of New Jersey.  As I write this, there is rain and wind, but nothing in the least bit remarkable—at least not as far as weather goes in this neck of my woods of theGardenState.  Still, I continue to be told…

As I write this from my New Jersey residence, on the eve of the arrival of Hurricane Sandy, one thing is crystal clear to me: our culture remains sexist to the bone.  What is worse, its sexism is of a particularly invidious variety, i.e. the misogynistic type.  Universally, the reaction to Sandy has been one…

Sarah Palin is under fire. Early Wednesday morning, in reference to the murderous September 11th attacks on an American embassy in Libya, Palin remarked that “President Obama’s shuck and jive shtick with these Benghazi lies must end.” All too predictably, the usual suspects have accused the 2008 vice presidential candidate and former Alaskan governor of…

After the second presidential “town hall” debate, more than one Republican commentator was upset with Mitt Romney for not having put the lie to the misconceptions embodied in some of the questions with which he and his opponent had to reckon. There was one fiction in particular that garnered its share of attention.  It pertained…

Whatever anyone else says, Mitt Romney scored but another decisive victory in his third and final debate with Barack Obama on Monday night. Beforehand, Republicans tended to speak as if they thought that it was all but a foregone conclusion that their man would crush the President on foreign policy.  Obama, after all, is an…

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