For quite some time now, such representatives of the conservative movement as, say, Rush Limbaugh, have charged the environmentalist left with insincerity.  Far from having a genuine concern for the environment, as he claims, the environmentalist is motivated, rather, by a desire to assume unto himself as much power as possible, the power, that is,…

Recently, the pastor of my church—a priest who I love and who my wife and I requested to marry us—gave a homily on the relationship between “justice” and “charity.”  Sadly, this sermon supplied none of the inspiration of which his other sermons were ridden. This, though, isn’t to say that it wasn’t provocative; unfortunately, however,…

While on his campaign trail for the presidency, Barack Obama talked to no end about the “change” that would visit upon America, a change so profound, so sweeping, that it would “fundamentally transform” America.  To understand the implications of this, we would do ourselves a good turn to subject the concept of “change” to philosophical…

The standard argument against abortion relies upon the language of “rights”: All human beings have a “right to life,” the unborn is a human being, thus, the unborn have a “right to life.”  For at least two reasons, this argument fails to perform the task to which it has been assigned. First, the notion of…

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