Astrological Musings

by Lynn Hayes Supermodel Naomi Campbell is back in the news after beating a chauffeur with her fist for not telling her whether her boyfriend was cheating on her. Back in 2006 I wrote this article about Naomi Campbell for the National Ledger, and I’ve updated to reflect her current transits.  Naomi Campbell was one…

It turns out to be a typo in the bill, but a girl can dream… Read more here.

by Lynn Hayes My Skywatch article for March is now available on my website, and I’m working on the simplified version for my newsletter.  (If you’re not already on my mailing list, please visit my website to sign up!!).   Meanwhile, here’s the information for the first week or so of March: March begins on…

by Lynn Hayes Full Moon art by blind artist Brooke Williamson.   The Full Moon occurs at 11:38 am EST. In a Full Moon the Moon and the Sun are opposite each other from our earthly perspective, and the Moon’s light of instinctive emotions and the illumination of the inner world shines brightly, unrestricted by…

by Lynn Hayes photo montage from CNN.  Andrew Koenig, the son of Walter Koenig who played Pavel Chekov in the original Star Trek series, has been missing since February 14th.  He was last seen at a bakery in Vancouver.  Koenig is an actor who is best known as Kirk Cameron’s sidekick in the long-running television…

by Lynn Hayes This is wrong in so many ways (thanks to Astrococktail for the article): Mumbai: Is astrology a science or an art of making money? The city-based NGO, Janhit Manch, has started a debate on the issue in the Bombay high court. A public interest litigation (PIL) filed by the manch and its…

by Lynn Hayes I wrote a post with this title back in December when Mars was slowing down in preparation for its retrograde turn, and now Mars has slowed down as it prepares to turn direct on March 10. Mars typically is a fast-moving planet, spending on average two days to travel one degree.  At…

by Lynn Hayes This information is written for the Eastern time zone, with GMT in parenthesis.  Please adjust for your own locality. Image from FractArt Mars is slowing down in preparation to change direction on March 10.  Tempers may flare and it’s important to use this energy constructively. The week begins with the Moon in…

Tune in at 11 am Eastern for a discussion about the sign of Pisces.  The Sun has just entered Pisces so we now have four planets in Pisces, a strong Piscean influence.  It’s a great time to learn more about this mysterious sign! If you listen live (click on the player below at 11 am…

Recently there have been quite a few comments and emails about the annoyance of ads and popups on this blog, and I just want to go on record as saying that I certainly agree with you all. Unfortunately, neither I nor my editor have any control over the ad content which helps to pay the…

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