Photo from National Geographic Saturday’s Full Moon is also a partial lunar eclipse, and includes a powerful alignment of seven planets in a Grand Cross formation. Let’s first look at the lunation (lunar event) itself.  The Sun in Cancer is opposed by the Moon in Capricorn, and because the lunar nodes are within 15 degrees…

For the next few weeks with Mercury in its own sign of Gemini the mental realm is activated, helping ideas to flow smoothly and aiding our ability to adapt to new circumstances. This process is facilitated by the Gemini New Moon on June 12th. The New Moon phase offers an opportunity for a new beginning,…

Sailor Moon by K Bose Tomorrow’s Full Moon is in Sagittarius, straddling the Gemini/Sagittarius polarity of learning and knowledge.  When the Moon is full, it is actually in direct opposition to the Sun which will be in Gemini and we see the Sun’s light totally reflected by the Moon without any earthly interference. Zodiacal polarities…

“Earth Goddess” by Dee Cooper Swift. The New Moon in Taurus on the 13th is a very dynamic one despite the natural placidity of the Taurean energy. At the New Moon the solar principle of conscious mind and will is fused with the lunar principle of instinct and emotion, making New Moons the perfect time to…

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