It’s no secret that the United States is not the superpower it was even twenty years ago, when American manufacturers clothed people all over the world, and American farms provided grain and milk to assuage global hunger.  I would argue that the actual turning point came in 2006, when the US progressed Mars turned retrograde and the drive of the country began to weaken and dissipate.

Today is the second phase of America’s Saturn return, the time when transiting Saturn returns to its place in the birthchart of the nation.  You can <a href=”” target=”_blank”>read more here about America’s Saturn return</a> from the first phase which began last October.  Meanwhile, there’s plenty of evidence that the US is being tested, including a cover story in Time Magazine last week entitled “Yes, America is in decline.”

Saturn squares the Sun in the chart for the United States, so the Saturn Return means that transiting is also squaring Saturn in the US chart which sits in the seventh house of partnership and open enemies.  Who are our allies?  Who are our enemies?  Where is our power being eaten alive by enemies within the country?  These are all good questions for the Saturn Return, and questions being asked today in the US.

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