by Lynn Hayes When I first wrote about Tiger Woods’ little accident outside his house, there was already a hint of impropriety, but who could have imagined the extent to which this drama has unfolded.  As of today there are a total of 13 mistresses that have claimed to have been involved with Tiger Woods.…

by Lynn Hayes.  Dates and times are Eastern time zone; please adjust for your locality.  You can also get daily planetary updates on Twitter or on the Astrodynamics fan page on Facebook. Moon enters Sagittarius the morning of the 14th and the Sun is in an energizing square to Uranus.  Later in the evening the Sun forms a harmonious sextile to…

On the radio this morning:  All about Uranus (please refrain from the usual scatalogical jokes!).  I’m a little late on this topic but there has been much to talk about.  Uranus recently changed direction and is picking up speed, so I thought this would be a good time to talk about the influence of Uranus…

by Lynn Hayes No, that doesn’t mean a stop on the bus route, and it’s not like a train station.  A planet is said to make a “station” when it’s apparent action from our perspective on earth appears to slow down in preparation for a change of direction.  Mars is stationing right now, and will…

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