by Lynn Hayes Silver Winter, New Moon by Gary Milek.  Though the actual lunation (lunar event) occurred in the wee hours of the morning, the effect of the New Moon and her ability to facilitate new beginnings and change lasts for three days so there’s still plenty of time to take advantage of it! The…

The timing of my radio show about Visiocnrafting to coincide with the tragedy that ensued in Sedona is unfortunate, but I am going to use this example as an opportunity to distinguish the New Age hype of The Secret and other such books that tarnishes the work of serious practitioners like myself who work hard…

by Lynn Hayes As Jupiter turned direct this week, the Dow rose above 10,000 for the first time in over a year, inspiring many financial experts to crow that the recession is over.  The stock market has been in a continual upward climb since it fell to its lowest level in March of this year,…

You can now read Astrological Musings on your Kindle, Amazon’s e-book reader.  I just got one for my birthday, and I am pretty excited about it. Unfortunately, I cannot offer it at no charge and Amazon decided to put a price of $1.99 per month on transmitting it wirelessly to you.  That’s their highest blog…

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