Chris Brennan had an article on his Horoscopic Astrology blog about a speech from astrologer Lee Lehman in which Lee drew many parallels between the discrimination faced by astrologers and gay individuals, quoting Lee: “One of the major problems with astrology is that astrologers themselves do not recognize that the status of astrology is a political issue, and that the position of astrologers in our society is completely analogous to the position of gay people before Stonewall.”

She then proceeded to outline the parallels between the astrological and gay communities, all of which she later argues are tell-tale signs of political discrimination: 

  • You generally cannot spot an astrologer on the street.  Thus, talking about ‘coming out’ about one’s interest in astrology is a completely comprehensible concept.
  • There is a substantial conservative religious community reviles both homosexuals and astrologers.  Thus, the practice of either could be considered to be a ‘sin’.
  • An astrologer may find it difficult to tell his or her family, friends, etc.
  • An astrologer could lose face in social circles for admitting interest in astrology.
  • An astrologer could be harassed or even arrested.
  • An astrologer could observe parents stopping their children from trick-or-treating at the astrologer’s house.
  • An astrologer could experience job discrimination or delays in promotion because of his or her’s interests, and this is legal because belief in astrology is not something for which there are anti-discrimination statutes.
  • The naming of astrological organizations using euphemisms, like ‘geocosmic’.
  • Uranus (no scatalogical jokes, please!) is often associated with both homosexuality and astrology, so the parallel here is apt in that regard.  Uranus rules that which is different – that which flaunts convention.  Uranus also tends to be rather androgynous and inventive and we do often see tight Uranus aspects in the charts of gay folks. In fact, the term “Uranian” in the nineteenth century meant someone of the “third sex” who was neither male nor female. 

    the association of Uranus with astrology, which he felt was better associated with Neptune:

    There are positive counterparts of these characteristics. A new kind of most valuable Neptunian grasp of the interrelated functions of human personality can be developed by a significant and thorough study of astrology in its best modern manifestations. History can acquire a broader meaning through the use of the larger cycles which astrology studies. The whole Earth can be seen as a complex field for the operation of the formative divine forces of the cosmos; and through astrology we may realize that human destiny, at the racial or individual level, is an expression of inherent order and all-encompassing harmony. But all these possibilities refer to the kind of consciousness which emerges from the positive and highest use of the Neptune function in the human dimension; they are not Uranian!

    I would make the case for astrology to encompass all of the attributes of the outer and more transpersonal planets: Uranus, because our awareness is expanded by the astrological symbolism in ways that are always fresh and new; Neptune, because there is a spiritual application to the art; and Pluto, because through astrology we learn to transform ourselves and our clients into greater empowerment.
    In any event, with Saturn (structure and conservatism) facing off against Uranus (rebellion and innovation) over the next two years, Uranian (unusual) groups of all kinds will be challenged by the power structures and conventional populations.  
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