Art by Laura Cameron, thanks to

Robert Wilkinson has a compilation of points on the current retrograde of Mars through Cancer. This cycle is particularly powerful right now since Mars is still stationary after its recent retrograde turn:

We know it is a time of potential energetic tugs of war we should avoid. These are the circumstances that drain us and turn ordinary interactions into goopy emotional bogs. In those circumstances, it’s better to refuse the reflection or projection, and be caring while showing strength of character. We get to care about what we care about, and if it’s not good enough for another, then maybe it’s time to agree to disagree.

We know there could be many old feelings and perhaps hurts come up from subconsciousness, whether ours, another’s, or even from the collective unconscious. [Mars is quincunx Chiron right now.] That’s why it’s important to slow things down as we examine how we do or do not want to respond. We know there could be over-reactions from that which has not been allowed to express itself in our lives, and also how important it will be not to take things too personally or negatively.

We know not to get too crabby or defensive, and whenever possible be nurturing and caring in ways that alleviate these in ourselves and others. This is about recognizing what needs strengthening inwardly, and taking care of old needs that haven’t been taken care of in our lives up to now. Definitely don’t internalize any new hurts, and readdress old ones when appropriate to come out of those old reactive patterns.

There could be old hurts or concerns expressed by others due to prior defensive stances, and if we are feeling drained, it is most important to be open and above board in targeting specific needs in the moment while not getting deflected into what was, or should have been, or old stuck emotional turf battles.

We know we will have to reconsider the mental attitudes and perceptions that created recent decisions or old hurts. We will re-trace the ground we’ve covered the past 2 1/2 months but with an eye to redoing or undoing or getting clear about how to be strong, flexible, and courageous as we review and rethink recent beginnings. Relax, don’t get wired by the reversals and slowing and generic touchiness, and see it as a chance to redo and rethink some things, preparing for a whole new life to come in 2008 when Mars goes direct.

We are learning to slow down and rework whatever needs caring for in order to strengthen recent life decisions. This can help us strengthen our determination, steadfastness, and sense of responsibility, securing past and future expansions. Sidestep passive-aggressive, selfish, petulant, immature, or short-sighted people, or if you must confront them, defend your need to care for yourself while guarding against useless or petty shots.

During Mars’s retrograde journey it will make a sextile to Saturn in early December which will help provide the discipline required to do the slowing down that Robert speaks of in this piece. Saturn provides the strength and responsibility to add a strategic note to the reactivity of Mars as we work backwards to resolve situations that are yet to be completed.

Still, I caution you not to try to bury your aggressive urges or hide from any inner rage that comes up now. This is a time to learn from our anger as Mars teaches us to defend our boundaries and protect ourselves from those that harm us. The suppression of our own Mars is the root of many of our physical ailments and now is a time where we have greater access to the hidden Mars that lies in our subconscious.

In late December Mars leaves Cancer and passes back into Gemini where it confronts Pluto for the second phase of the Mars/Pluto opposition. Power is the issue here, and the work that we do now will help to prepare us for that phase!

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