Back in June, Mars interacted harmoniously with the waxing phase of the Saturn/Neptune opposition, adding energy to our ability to synthesize the structural energy of Saturn with the dissolution and transcendence of Neptune. Now, Mars in Taurus will form a T-square with Saturn and Neptune which are still connected although they are moving farther from the exact oppositional degree. (Click to enlarge image)

A T-square forms a planet makes a 90 degree angle to two planets that are in opposition (180 degrees) from each other. The conflict inherent in the 90 degree angle, or square, typically generates pressure for a result. The opposition, or 180 degree angle, creates a tension between the two planets that can lead to an impasse or, more productively, to balance. There is stress and tension in a T-square that is resolved through crisis, and ultimately the conflict of the squares helps to push the opposition over the edge into a resolution and balance.

When Mars is the apex planet of the T-square, the planet that is forming the squares to the planets in opposition, there is that much more energy produced. Mars is the planet of war – it rules our physical energy and that which drives us. Mars is in Taurus now, where it is persistent and powerful, but it can also be stubborn and stuck. As Mars squares Neptune over the next few days we may find ourselves stuck (Mars/Taurus) in our illusions (Neptune) as well as finding our self-confidence (Mars) eroded and confused (Neptune). Just a few days later Mars will square Saturn where it will fight (Mars) the restrictions that Saturn places on us. The stew created by these warring influences can be difficult – we are irritated at the boundaries we find via Saturn, but Neptune has blurred our drive for success and we may find it challenging to try to find our way. Still, the Martian influence is a catalyst for change and can help motivate us to take any actions we find required after the dilemmas posed by the Saturn/Neptune opposition.

Mars moves quickly and this is not a long-lasting cycle. It will be most difficult for those of us with planets in the late degrees of the fixed signs: Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio. Still, it’s a good time to practice the fine art of letting go and finding the point of balance within.

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