Thanks to Jude Cowell for this heads up:

On Sunday, November 12th in Racine, I will hold my 1000th Listening Session with the people of Wisconsin. Before reaching that milestone, I want you to know that I’ve decided to continue my role as Wisconsin’s Junior Senator in the U.S. Senate and not to seek the Democratic nomination for President in 2008.

–Russ Feingold

Jill has the whole transcript.

If you read my article Feingold for President, you know that I am a huge fan. Feingold is going through a number of positive life-changing planetary events (Pluto trine ascendant and trine his Saturn/Neptune conjunction, Pluto and Saturn trine Venus). The ascendant/Venus connection shows that his attitude towards his personal identity and his relationships are undergoing a major transformation. Saturn is retrograde in his natal chart which often confers an inordinate amount of self-criticism. I wonder if he feels he isn’t ready to make that big step. Still, he’s young and there will be plenty of time for him to run in 2012, just in time for the big changes.

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