My profile of Christie Brinkley’s divorce and relationship history is posted on the National Ledger site. There’s not much biographical information available on Christie so it was difficult to do an extensive profile, but her relationship dynamics are very interesting. She has jumped from one marriage into another, usually during a time of tragedy or disaster and most likely arising from a deep insecurity as shown in her chart.

Also interesting are the transits taking place during her very public separation – mostly from Jupiter, the planet of abundance and the Great Liberator which has crossed over Saturn and her Midheaven while squaring her natal Sun/Venus conjunction. Jupiter is known as the “Greater Benefic” (with Venus being the “Lesser Benefic”) because it generally bestows luck and good fortune. We often find transits of Jupiter at the time of death, and when we see them during a divorce we can be certain that the ending of the marriage will ultimately have positive results. This is also shown by the square of Pluto to Christie’s Mars indicates that life is not giving her what she thinks she wants: Mars represents the will of the personal self and Pluto the will of the higher self. During these cycles we often feel blocked from achieving our desires, but later look back to discover that Pluto really was looking out for our best interests.

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