A Pagan's Blog

The Bush years have increasingly worried me that our political system has entered into terminal old age, where members of a self-perpetuating ruling elite become fixated on their perks and privileges while utterly losing touch with the rest of the country. There is plenty of evidence this is the case, and historically when this happens…

Courtesy of Glenn Greenwald at Salon, we find that the corporate media has reported on the major issues facing Americans with the following emphasis: In the past two weeks, the following events transpired. A Department of Justice memo, authored by John Yoo, was released which authorized torture and presidential lawbreaking. It was revealed that the…

I will appreciate it if anyone has thoughtful criticisms of the following. Ideologues unconcerned with actual events need not waste their (and my) time. We have seen that Wall Street has both helped itself to enormously disproportionate incomes due to their capacity to game the system and that they have made themselves so essential to…

One of the most important developments in the modern world is the rise of democracies to becoming the dominant part of the world’s population, and economic and military power. The chief reason this unprecedented development is important is that only liberal democracies never fight wars with one another. The recent peaceful settlement of the crisis…

This is Barack Obama’s speech against going to war in Iraq. He spoke when others such as myself also opposed the war and took constant flak from right wingers and their Democratic enablers. At the same time some, like Hillary Clinton, actively facilitated it and hundreds of thousands of deaths later, still refuse to admit…

The Fund for the Study of Spontaneous Orders at the Atlas Economic Research Foundation is seeking papers exploring the theme “ORDERS AND BORDERS” for its Second Conference on Emergent Order and Society Selected papers will be presented at a conference to be held in Portsmouth, NH, November 1-4, 2008. After author revisions/responses, the papers will…

Some time ago The Pomegranate, a Pagan academic journal, printed an attack on Paganism and deep ecology by Bookchinite Peter Staudenmaier: “Fascist Ecology: The ‘Green Wing” of the Nazi party and its Historical Antecedents.” Staudenmaier’s article appeared in issue No. 15, Feb. 2001 (4-21), when it was a hard copy journal. My response was in…

A friend asked me who I supported for President. She knew it would be either Clinton or Obama. As things now stand I would vote for a box turtle for President over any likely Republican candidate. But why Obama and not Clinton? Here’s why. 1. Hillary is too close to the defense industry – like…

www.freewebs.com/witherlins/thewitchesballad.htm When a new spiritual tradition becomes established within a society, both are changed. In a way this is like when one of us enters on to a spiritual path. While certainly changed in the process, we cannot each help but give our practice and beliefs an individual interpretation. This is the core reason spiritual…

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