My first Patheos post has been put up.   Again, Patheos will have little essays addressing the various implications of Pagan spirituality but I hope no purely political analysis. But as readers will see, I intend that many will have political implications.   Here at Beliefnet will be shorter stuff, interfaith stuff, political stuff, and…

Atheists have been popping up and in some cases rudely intruding of late, most recently on Facebook.  Last night I “unfriended” someone on FB because I was tired of putting up with his mix of rudeness, arrogance, and his thinking that because he was smart, he was smarter than he was. (May the world be…

Since I pulled way back from writing blog posts on politics, and radically reduced by attention to the day to day activities of the sociopathic crowd who dominates the news, I have found my outlook  improved even if my view of our country’s future has not.  I’ve begun reading fiction again for pleasure for the…

This is the final and for me most difficult installment of the four little essays I have written exploring the nature of evil and bad things happening in a good world. So if you are a confirmed skeptic you might move on to other posts and other bloggers. I will be describing things which I…

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