This weekend marks Midsummer, the Summer Solstice celebration.  Pagans of many different types will be celebrating Summer Solstice 2009 in small and large groups across our country.  Because we focus on the Sacred as immanent in our world, everything that exists can be understood as a better or worse manifestation of the Ultimate.  And those…

We now have quite strong statistical evidence that conservative Republicans are way out of step with the rest of the country with regard to how they see empathy as a virtue.  Daily Kos commissioned two polls, with fascinating findings, here  and here.  Because the Republican base is disproportionately in the South, and committed to “Biblical”…

Rabbi Brad Hirschfield over at Windows & Doors has a good post from a Jewish perspective on Newt Gingrich’s latest idiocies regarding Pagans. He makes the very astute observation that it seems to me that many of what we might rush to call pagan or idolatrous traditions, are actually acutely sensitive to the infinite and…

Pagans are famous (infamous?) for taking seemingly mundane occurrences and finding something deep and meaningful in them. We can take just about any occasion and turn it into a sacred, festive celebration. Whether it’s an ancient seasonal festival, the feast day of a saint from someone else’s religion, or a Hallmark-inspired date we just happen…

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