To me the Equinoxes Ostara and Mabon are particularly Pagan in their symbolism even though they have long been the least commonly celebrated of our contemporary sacred days.  Solstices were far easier to calculate and symbolized the great dualities of embodiment: life and death, light and dark.  Their history is ancient and world wide, at…

Lammas, or Lughnasad, is fast approaching.  As long as I have been Pagan I have had a special fondness for this Sabbat.  For me it speaks to the essential mystery of life more eloquently than the others.  On the one hand, there is the beauty of the harvest, Farmers’ Markets are overflowing with tomatoes, squash,…

Midsummer, the Summer Solstice is fast approaching those of us in the northern hemisphere. The solstices are probably the most anciently celebrated holidays world-wide.  They fall on the same day everywhere, except for the hemispheric reversal.  And outside the tropics for the most part the solstices seem to symbolize the same mythic meaning: the eternal circle…

Many of us gathered yesterday to do a Sunday May Pole over in Bodega Bay, a small town on the Sonoma coast.  This marked the conclusion of our Beltane weekend.  The coastal hills and bluffs were alive with flowers, as were people’s yards.  A cool breeze came in off the Pacific, but the summer fog…

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