Whole Foods, which touts its support for locally grown food and organic agriculture, imports a great deal of its frozen food from China. So says a report from ABC’s I-Team.    We are all aware of current Chinese honesty and quality regarding food.  Poisoned milk  and dead pets come to mind.  Knowing this, Whole Foods has…

UPDATE BELOW I have been very critical of Barack Obama’s performance as President thus far.  I think his less than impressive record on visible issues has much to do with the failure of Democrats to hold onto their 60th Senate seat.  In my view, Drew Westen has done an extraordinarily good analysis on this issue.…

These people are fluent in the only language most politicians seem to understand: money. From the Environmental News Service “The world’s largest investors today issued a statement calling on the United States and other governments to ‘act now to catalyze development of a low-carbon economy and to attract the vast amount of private capital necessary for…

Huffington Post writes that a major scientific journal, the International Journal of Biological Sciences is reporting cases of organ failure in rats fed any of three varieties of Monsanto’s GMO corn.    The original article can be found here.

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