Looking for Love? Here is some great advice about love from the angels!

Have you been looking for love in all the wrong places for too long? Let this wonderful message from Archangel Chamuel with Archangel Sandalphon overlighting us with their eternal love sink into your cells and surround you with love…

“So much energy and time is spent on you human journey in pursuit of love. Most often you are looking for the ‘One’, the Soulmate, the twin flame, and sometimes some of  you think you have found them for a time and usually those are the ones that fizzle out like the great flame which ignited their passion to begin with. Relationships are work. Relationships are challenging. Relationships are beautiful. Relationships are hard. Relationship are rewarding. There are many faces and aspects to love. Most of you are here on earth trying to make sense of all of this as you grow and expand and that is exactly as it should be.”

“It is wild that you can come here down to Earth and have a human experience. You can date all the wrong people and make all the wrong choices … or so it seems when you don’t see the bigger picture. It is grand to come here and experience love in all of its glorious forms and you really should be having a lot more fun with it.”

“Love where you are. Love what you do. If you don’t, change it. No one has the power to do that outside of you. Don’t look there. Look inside of you for love. When you find that place…that is exactly where you will find the kind of love you need. ”

Your angel guidance is to start looking for love inside of you:

Looking for love within, helps you attract the kind of love you want around you. Look at what is you would like to create in your interpersonal relationships and let it shape the world around you. Allow love to find you instead of forcing it happen. You will find that your heart it is truly happier and life and love just seem to find you in the most perfect way.

Here is an article on Expanding your Heart with Archangel Chamuel and how to work with him

Love and blessings, Sharon and the Angels


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