What books and movies does Sharon keep in her Spiritual Library you ask? I do have a special collection of books and movies that have helped me grow, kept me sane, as well as continually keep me entertained.

The first book I remember reading that I found remarkable and changed my view of life was Jonathon Livingston Seagull .  This is a fantastic book about perseverance and believing in yourself. Jonathon dMichael the movieidn’t listen to what others had to say, he believed in himself.

The movie Michael. I could only find a link to rent it online not buy it. I loved this movie and the message it brought. When Michael is standing looking at the world and says it is the last time he can visit earth and he is taking in the beauty, I was so moved. It is a reminder of how truly beautiful a gift it is to have a earth life. I also love how they portray him appreciating all the aspects of being human. I also so love Archangel Michael.

Of course our book, Angel Guidance, Messages of Love and Healing is on my list. It truly pulled me through Spiritual Librarysome difficult times when I was going through painful rehab and wanted to give up on life. There was actually a day when I read the book 7 times from start to finish. It was such a rough day that I knew I had to change to my mindset so I kept reading it over and over until I felt like I could keep going. It truly saved me that day. I hope it becomes one of your favourites too.

I have the complete written works of Kryon – by Lee Carroll. I think Lee is amazing. He is a true lightworker in my books. I have interviewed Lee, as well as met him at some of his events. I am sure he doesn’t remember me and I am not saying we are friends, but I do greatly respect him and his work. Kryon’s messages are always from love, amazing to go back to and timeless. Lee is also generous in helping out others…he just hasn’t found me yet lol. You can check out his youtube channel here . I do think the best book to give to someone searching for the meaning of life is Book Five… The Journey Home  The story of Michael Thomas and the Seven Angels.

I actually lent out my first book from Lee and it was never returned. A few years ago my Mom brought me a book from a charity book sale. She said her people didn’t know what category to put it in. She said  “Oh, my daughter will know what to do with this book!” and sure enough it was book one so my collection is complete again lol. I love how spirit works sometimes – well all the time lol.

Most books made into movies aren’t as good for me. Being such a visual person, they usually lack too much of the story for me. An exception is the Harry Potter movies.They were well done. I also feel that the books are fantastic reads. Love them. They have a message for the new kids on the block for sure. I will say I was disappointed in The Wrinkle in Time movie. The book is so good. I felt they spent all the money on a few big stars and missed out on the amazing message from the story. If you have not read this book – go get it!

Start with any of these and you are well on your way to expanding your mind and possibilities. I will add some more of favourites again soon.

Your Angel Guidance is to create your own Spiritual Library

I love books! I like to hold them and feel them. While I do have some eBooks for ease of transportation, if I really like the book, I buy a hard copy. When I am in the need of a pick me up or some motivation, they are ready to inspire me.  A good book or movie can change your day.

Love and blessings, Sharon and the Angels


Sharon’s book contains lots of wonderful ways to work with the angels  Angel Guidance, Messages of love and Healing or get the kindle and begin reading a page today!

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