Pay close attention to your thoughts as these are signs from your angels to help guide the way. If you disregard them, or discount them as mere imagination, you are missing out on tremendous opportunities and possibilities.


You are receiving thoughts and ideas that come to you as the answers to the prayers you have been asking for, it is just that you are either not noticing them or you are dismissing them as mere coincidences. They are messages from your angels and guides to help to light your way and the more you notice them, the more they seem to appear. When you begin to communicate with the angels and they know you are getting the signs, they send you more in that way. They want to help you and see your manifestations, it is just that you do not always understand. They know clearly, it is the human, especially when you doubt, that makes it more complicated.

Pay attention to your own thoughts and feelings. Take the time to learn, study, and gather information that helps you feel more confident and sure of your actions. But, also learn to trust these thoughts and feelings as your guidance. You will know when the time is right to put this information to good use. Trust in the Universe, Trust in the Creator, and Trust in yourself.

Also remember to consciously choose where you put your attention and where you spend your time, as whatever is the dominant focus of your thoughts is what you create for yourself. So, if you are not thrilled with what you are creating, focus your attention on something else for a while and see if it doesn’t re-balance itself and offer you some clarity to guide you upon your path.

Affirmations: “I am noticing the new thoughts and ideas that are coming to me as answers to my prayers. I am consciously spending time focusing on the things that are important to me.”

Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox

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