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“Am I Ready For…”

A new job?
To move out on my own?
To make a change in my life

People often wonder if they’re ready for what they say they want, be it any of the situations listed above or something else that’s more personal. Some come to me for counseling, hoping I can tell them whether it’s the right time to make a change or try something new. I can’t tell them. But I do help them understand how to see for themselves.

Only YOU know or can determine if something is right or appropriate for you at this moment.

If you’re in perfect alignment with doing something, it feels right and you know it. If you’re questioning it, something is off. This doesn’t mean it’s wrong for you altogether. You may just not be quite ready, and may be next week or next year. I’ve learned that when something isn’t right for me, I attract obstacles. They don’t always stop me. Sometimes I need to do more planning or get more info or work through a fear.

When you work through your fear or doubt or whatever else might be stopping you, you can get yourself ready.

If you feel commitment-phobic about getting married but know you love your romantic partner, write down what scares you and ask yourself if they’re justified. Sometimes old beliefs stay with us until we dissect them so they can be changed. If you’ve been wanting a new job for a while but keep postponing sending out resumes, take a class to learn a new skill that can build your confidence or hire someone to rewrite your resume. You might be nervous about learning your way around a new company. Feed your enthusiasm for why you want a new job and let that help you get past what’s keeping you from being ready.

Sometimes just taking one small step toward what you say you want can help you feel better about it.

Every positive emotion you add to thoughts about what you think you want helps you get more into alignment for being ready to manifest it. If you wonder if you’re  ready to take a big step, see how you FEEL about it. Is it normal nervousness or blatant fear and doubt? Only YOU can know if you’re ready and only YOU can make yourself ready. See what negative emotions come up and decide if you can do something to change them. Work through fears and doubts one baby step at a time.

Until you do, you don’t need me to tell you that you’re not ready. You know it by how you feel. Ask yourself:

•    “What’s keeping me from being ready?”
•    “How am I feeling?”
•    “What am I worried about?”
•    “What’s making me hesitant?”

And the most important question: “Am I willing to change it?

You may never be ready for some things. And that’s okay. Marriage, or the person you consider marrying, may not be right for you. You might find another way to change your life without getting a new job. Maybe you’re not the type to be a parent and would rather use your money to travel than to live on your own. Try to separate what scares you from what you’d like and weigh your options. The one that continues to feel the best probably is.

When you express fear, doubt, apprehension, etc., you attract more of it.

If you decide that you want to make a change or move badly enough, do what you can to put more positive emotions into your thoughts. The more positive you feel about what you think you want, the more you’ll KNOW you want it and the more the Universe will work with the thoughts to make it happen in your highest good.

See all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series HERE.

Take the 31 Days of Self-Love challenge and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at And you can post your loving acts HERE to reinforce your intention to love yourself. Read my 31 Days of Self-Love Posts HERE.

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