
We are all born with specific flaws and weaknesses. However, we balance these with our unique combination of gifts and talents. Out of the seven billion people in the world at this time, each one of us has a one-of-a-kind combination of these four characteristics. This equips us to live one, and only one, life to the hilt…our life.

As Oscar Wilde said: “Be yourself, everyone else seems to be taken.” Whether you believe it or not, you are creative. Often, our creativity interests (and there are many) are suppressed…Sometimes, since childhood. This is the result of judgment.

We are told that some of our “natural” inclinations, interests, hobbies, etc. are just a waste of time and should be put away. Many of these “right”, for us, activities are labeled impractical - This usually means that they are not likely to lead to making much money. Consequently, they remain dormant; a loss of individual joy to us and a collective loss to the world.

We intuitively know what is a “right” activity for us. And, there are more than one right ones for each of us at any particular time. We know, in our hearts, what makes us happy,. We know what we are passionate about. We “feel” a special way when engaged in one of our activities. We lose track of time when engaged in our heart’s desire.

Perhaps you love to sing, or dance, or paint pictures or write poetry or garden. Whatever gifts (and they are plural) we have, are ours, to let out and to make blossom. One gift could be as simple as being a sympathetic ear when such is needed. Another could be just giving a smile, when appropriate.

Some of our gifts and talents have been with us a lifetime, others are relatively new. Some last for years. Others are for only a brief time. Regardless, they are here for us, like no other activity. We are drawn to them even when we aren’t paid to do them. We feel a kinship for them that is not forced. We are meant to be involved with them. They are our creativity waiting to get out.

Our gifts and talents are reluctant to come out in an atmosphere of judgment, especially harsh judgment. This is what causes them to stay hidden for up to a lifetime. They require nothing more than a nonjudgmental atmosphere to be born and developed. They are us and we are them.

When offered a welcoming air, free of criticism, tinged with love, they fly to joyous birth and so begins an effortless effort. As Confucius said 2,600 years ago: “Pick a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Doing what you love and loving what you do virtually eliminates stress and replaces it with inner peace.

You don’t have to be the best in the world with any “right” (creative) activity for you. You only have to do YOUR best at that time. This becomes a win-win situation. It’s good for you and good for the world. When you share what’s naturally in you with the rest of the world, you are in service to others. This infuses your work with the greatest of happiness.

When you can “Sing as if no one was listening and dance as if no one was watching.” (Alfred D. Souza), you are truly free to be yourself. Unleash what is inside you; your truth. Don’t deny yourself and the world your gifts and talents. As Kahlil Gibran said: “Your work should be love made visible.” If it is from within you, it will be.

Perhaps you are directing your creativity to a hobby. Perhaps you keep it to yourself. Whatever you are doing with it, it is there. It is waiting for you to call it into use. It is ready when you are. It only needs a loving nod from you. You are not without creativity…no one is. As Thoreau said: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” Or as George Eliot said: “It is never too late to live the life you’re meant to live.”

Don Lubov, author, artist, teaches classes in "Spirituality With A Touch Of Zen", Creativity and Drawing, at three local colleges. His "Six-Step Path" can be seen on his website: donlubov.com.

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