How much is too much? I don't know that I am full until my stomach begins to hurt. As a recovered compulsive overeater, I don’t have the ability to know when I’ve eaten too much. This is exactly why I need spiritual, mental, and physical assistance. Here’s what I do: I pray before I eat, during eating, and even after I’ve finished my meal. I pray for God’s will, and ask the power to know when to stop. God always helps me stop. Plus, I follow a structured food plan. I developed my own, the "Joy of Weight Loss" Food Plan. I have an allowance of food from all food groups for an entire day, and I keep track of what I eat. Sometimes I write a paper food log, other times I just keep track in my mind. Keeping a food log in a journal can help you develop an instinct as to how much to eat. Give it time and practice. Paying attention to my feelings also helps control my eating habits. If I feel stressed out, I try to do other things than eat to soothe my feelings. The moment I have a "full feeling" I ask God to help me stop eating. And I help myself: I immediately get up from the table, go to another room, and do something else. I find it usually takes 20 minutes for my stomach to tell my brain that I’m full. So I let 20 minutes go by after my first bite, and before I finish my meal. I chew really, really slowly and I enjoy each bite thoroughly. Make sure to do nothing else while eating, pay attention to your feelings, be appreciative of every morsel you eat, and always pray for God’s help!

- Norris Chumley

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