
Then Kim and I went outside and sat on the porch and gazed up at the moon, which waxes and wanes every month just like our bodies.

From the Diary of Kim's Mom

Wednesday, 12/16

Today Kim shyly confessed to me that she had gotten her period. She was just putting on her pj's for the night, and looked down in her panties and there was the blood! I feel proud of her, and happy, but a little sad--she needed me in this moment, to get her tampons and Advil and talk to her about it, but I know it is also the last time she will really ever need me in this way. That is what her period symbolizes.

When I told John that his little daughter had gotten her period, he almost blushed. I knew Kimi hadn't told him, of course. I'm sure she would feel embarrassed if she knew he knew.

    From Kim's Diary

Wednesday, 12/16

Got my P today, finally. It does not hurt like everyone says, and I do not feel any different. First I told Katy, who still hasn't gotten hers yet, and then I told Mom. She was actually pretty cool about it, didn't get all weepy, but did say she wanted to take me out for a special dinner tomorrow.
Friday, 12/18
Tonight we were finally able to celebrate Kim's period--it is a big event, after all, and it calls for a real celebration! After dinner at a special restaurant, just the two of us, we came home, sat in the study, lit a few candles and some incense and I read a prayer I wrote for the occasion:
"God, You have blessed us women. You have blessed us with the ability to create, just as You created the universe; in this monthly bleeding, You remind us that we are co-creators with You, and that we were created in Your image."
Friday, 12/18
After our dinner, Mom and I went and sat in her study and listened to music and she read this prayer she'd written about giving thanks for my period. I told this to Katy and she could have died. She thought it was so embarrassing. I told her I agreed with her, but secretly I don't really think it was so bad. It was cool, actually. Sometimes I like hanging out with Mom. We don't do it very much.
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