
"He loves me. He cares about me. But he's still annoying."

So says 8-year-old Brandon Lovett. That's the thanks that his seventh grader brother, Bryan, gets after saving the third grader's life.

It seems Brandon was being his ever-active self and in a blur bumped into his 12-year-old big brother and gulped, inhaling a piece of hard candy -- which then lodged in his throat. He gagged, unable to breathe.

He began to pass out.

Calm as usual, Bryan did what he'd learned at school -- "The Move" -- a version of the Heimlich Maneuver.

He says he punched his little brother in the chest and the candy popped out.

And Bryan's resigned to the reality that his ever-moving whirlwind of a little brother isn't going to get all that emotional with gratitude.


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