When you come home we'll sit quietly together. I want to feel your heart beat in unison with mine. I'll know then that God had answered my prayers and this is not a dream.

When you come home, your son wants you all to himself for a day or so. He'll tell you about the frog he caught, how many times he fell trying to learn to ride his "big boy" bike for Daddy, and how he wiped away my tears each day you were gone, "Just like my Daddy would!"

When you come home, your daughter wants to meet you. She'll be wearing that special dress you bought for her the day you went away.

When you come home your dad will tell you his war stories for the hundredth time, but this time you'll understand what he is talking about.

When you come home, your mom will make that apple pie you loved so much. We'll top it off with a scoop of real vanilla ice cream from Harter's Dairy.

When you come home we'll go for a walk past the old high school and dance together under the light of the moon. We'll pretend to meet for the first time and start this life all over again.

When you come home, we'll turn off the TV at least for a few days, so you can get away from it all. That is, unless you will be worried about your buddies still over there. I'll understand.

When you come home I want to hold you in my arms and tell you over and over again how very much I love you. As if you didn't know. The last time I held you like that I had to let you go. I won't let go this time.

When you come home, we'll open that bottle of champagne we were holding for our tenth anniversary. I can't imagine any day being more important then the day you return to us safely.

When you come home, my mom says she'll make her "famous" meatloaf. I know you always hated it. But somehow I think you'll appreciate it more now.

When you come home and I see you standing there after all this time, forgive me if I weep uncontrollably. Fear and worry have consumed me much too long.

My love, I just wanted you to know we'll be here, I love you, I'm proud of you and I'm waiting for you, "when you come home."

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